Surrey Street Rodders Wheels Day 40 Anniversary
Good Friday comes but once a year but then again such a fantastic mix of cars in one place is pretty rare too! It was a very early start for us all having to get to the meet point for 7:30am. We then convoyed from there to Dunsfold (the home of the Top Gear test track), where we were greeted by 100's of classic, modified and custom cars, bikes and trucks. I have been to many a show in my time but I have not seen anything so big and varied before. It was a delight to walk around and see some of the truly unique stuff on display. Part way into the day it was announced that the event was so big that the gates had been closed and people were getting turned away.
All in all it was a great and had some truly special cars on how so it gets a massive thumbs up from this photographer.
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Surrey Street Rodders Wheels Day 2014
For more information about the Surrey Street Rodders and Wheels day please click here